In the Medical field, a doctor often requests a blood test, a brain MRI or a CT Scan among other laboratory tests. Unfortunately, in the Mental Health field, these tests do not give us enough information to make an accurate diagnosis. Clinical Psychologists use special tests to get more information about a person’s intelligence, cognitive functions, academic difficulties, learning disabilities, personality etc…

Psychological Testing is often recommended to provide further explanation for a person’s problem. Tests are designed to help understand the strengths and weaknesses, and reach an accurate and exact diagnosis, or to help the person, the parents, the children and the school teachers and coordinators. Psychological Testing completes the multisession interview done by the psychologist in order to develop an appropriate treatment plan.

At Nawfal Clinics, we administer many psychological tests. Each test is used for a different goal and assesses different psychological domains. The test used is chosen after many psychological sessions and after meticulous analysis of the patient’s case. We do not ask for psychological tests from the first visit.

PS: Nawfal Clinics has bought the rights to use the below tests from the original publishers and has the full eligibility to use them by our qualified psychologists.

Tests for Children and Adolescents

1- Neuropsychological Evaluation:

A test battery designed for the measure of a child’s or an adolescent’s Cognitive Functions and Skills as well as Brain Functioning in different areas: Global Intelligence, Attention, Memory and Learning:

  1. The Wechsler scales:
    • The WPPSI-3 for children ages from 2 to 6
    • The WISC-4 for children ages from 6 to 17
  2. The Kauffman Assessment Battery (KABC-2) for children ages from 3 to 18

These tests give an estimation of the child’s potential for learning and help to find out his relative strengths or weaknesses.

2- Educational / Achievement Evaluation

A test battery designed to specifically measure the child’s or adolescent’s academic/school skills in reading, comprehension, writing, spelling and math competence.

KTEA-2: The Kauffman Test for Educational Achievement measures several domains in reading, spelling, oral language and mathematics skills.

3- Personality and behavioral Evaluation:
The assessment of a child’s or adolescent’s social, emotional and behavioral functioning.

Evaluation includes all or part of the following personality tests:

Projective tests:

    1. Children Apperception Test (CAT)
    2. Interpretation of drawings

Self-report and parents-completed checklists to measure the child behavior:

      1. Child Behavior Checklist
      2. RCMAS
      3. SNAP-4
      4. Vanderbilt behavioral checklist
4- Developmental Evaluation:

A battery of tests administered for toddlers and young children to give information about levels of development in language, motor and social skills.

The administered tests include:

    1. The Vineland adaptive behavioral scales: VABS
    2. Children autism rating scale:
      a. CARS-2
      b. ECAR-2


Tests for Adults: (18 to 80 yrs of age)

A – Projective Tests: Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

B – Self-reported Personality Tests: MMPI-2RF (the most up to date computerized version of Personality Testing and the most widely used personality test in the world). This test is computer based and results are often out and interpreted within a day or two.

The MMPI-2RF is the 2008 Restructured Format of the famous MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test). This test exists in the English version at our locations in Beirut, Jounieh and Batroun (Lebanon).


Important Note:
Psychological tests are not always needed. It’s important to ask your therapist/clinical psychologist why they ask for a particular test and if it’s inevitable because their administration is expensive (On average test fees can range from 200$ to 600$ depending on the number of tests used for a particular patient).